by George and Reese
Constant Dullaart was born in the Netherlands in 1979. He graduated from Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten (State Academy of Fine Arts) in 1997 then settled in Amsterdam
His work usually focuses on the internet and the structures that come from that environment.
He uses frameworks that already exist and transforms them to make the audience question said framework in a way that may not have been obivous at first.
Draws Attention
Questions Power
Browsing Difficulty
Not Untouchable
"I enjoyed the attarction that it pushes on to its users. Although I found it fun and engaging to use, It makes me feel dizzy everytime I use and interact with it. In addtion it becomes hard to read sometimes as well." ~ George
"While interacting with the art work I felt annoyed often. I would search random things and then have difficulty reading any of the information that would appear. It made me want to give up. It constantly spins which is nauseating and unsettling." ~ Reese